Spot. On. “Times is, if anything, biased toward the right in the way that they bend their coverage to appear “objective”.”

‘Bothsidesism Stalks The New York Times’

🎶 All we have to see Is that I don’t belong to you And you don’t belong to me.🎶

🎶 This is going to take a long time And I wonder what’s mine Can’t take no more (can’t take no more) Wonder if you’ll understand It’s just the touch of your hand Behind a closed door🎶

OK. I get that you have a political agenda behind your refusal to wear a mask in public in Alabama. I get that I’m the weirdo. But really, doesn’t social politeness still dictate that you keep your political opinion to yourself?

Welcome to the New Site

Welcome to the new site at This will mostly be photography, I suspect, but who knows. It may include some of my longer posts from other blogs as well. ( and

Either way I hope if anyone finds this in the abyss that it brings some light and a point of reflection.

More to come.