
🎶 When you’re worn out and tired I’ll cover you🎶

🎶 If you wanna kiss the sky, better learn how to kneel. On your knees boy. 🎶

“Everything terrible is something that needs our love.”—Rainer Maria Rilke

🎶 Take a chance like all dreamers can’t find another way You don’t have to dream it all, just live a day 🎶

🎶 Some dance to remember. Some dance to forget.🎶

🎶 Orion’s arms are wide enough 2 hold us both 2gether, Although we’re worlds apart, I’d cross the stars 4 u. 🎶

🎶When you’re lost and alone, or you’re sinking like a stone, Carry on. May your past be the sound of your feel upon the ground, Carry on. 🎶

🎶Remember walking a mile to your house Aglow in the dark. I made a fumbling play for your heart, And the act struck a spark.🎶