
Two face-to-face classes down. Two virtual classes to go on our first day back.

To all my sisters and brothers busting their asses to make this work despite minimal pay, micromanaging admin, frustrated students, and angry parents: Thank You.

You are ensuring our future.

🎶Now everybody’s taking about this new decade, Like you say the magic numbers then just say goodbye to the stupid mistakes you made. Oh my memory, serves me far too well.🎶

🎶 Never will regret this I never will, never will regret this🎶

black white clouds pvet lake

🎶It’s funny how life turns out The odds of faith in the face of doubt.🎶

🎶 I empty drawers of other summers where my shadows used to be.🎶

🎶 But my silent fears have gripped me Long before I reach the phone Long before my tongue has tripped me Must I always be alone 🎶